Thursday, October 15, 2009

TO East West Text Work

Lauri Lynnxe Murphy's unique works are “designed to interact with one another as a series of thoughts, or ideas, that when viewed together create a greater meaning. Each painting is like a phrase, word, or sentence, or perhaps even a rebus, whose subtext expands beyond its obvious parts”. Also John Will with a humorous, astute, (foreboding of more trouble to come?) piece shown here. Look for upcoming feature in Canadian Art Top 10 Canadian artists. Seen at Text-based, a group show at @ Brayham Gallery on Queen East until Nov 1st

At Birch Libralato until Oct 10th, Andy Patton. “Andy Patton's new paintings are deeply influenced by his immersion in the study of Song period calligraphy in classical China. Like those works, they are both paintings and poems; they weld vision and language together.” Shown here, Fallen Blossoms. The work reads in vertical rows running top to bottom; big pieces.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Mischievous Bunnies & Cast Art

Robert Farmer at Rouge Concept gallery. Lucky Charms - mythic travel and evident "tension between dream and nightmare", shown here.

Philip Read reimagines the material world in Cast Porcelain Coke Bottles. Classic (once disposable) form turned art.
Wendy Walgate's enviro/whimsy Five Litres - Red, Yellow and Blue 2008, earthenware, slipcast, glazed and installed in glass laboratory beaker ('Yellow' shown here).

rouge concept
732 Queen Street East

At Trias Gallery

A friend recently asked "I have a $500 budget for my husband's birthday." Here are 4 original paintings I showed her from Trias Gallery, just to start; the options are vast.

Above are from Christopher Griffin's Bear and Bull (allusion to financial markets) series.

One of Griffin's figurative paintings:

And a Ruth Dwyer abstract, Surf Hitting the Shore...