Friday, November 4, 2011


One (1) A series of films at this year’s ImagineNATIVE film festival was a stark reminder of the challenges faced by those living in our isolated, marginalized communities.  Michelle Derosier’s The Life You Want tells the story of Doris, a young mother living in Ontario’s northern fly-in community of Fort Hope and battling addiction to Oxycodone

Other films in the series were Shifting Shelter 4, Ivan Sen's heartwrenching documentary that follows 4 Australian First Nations youth over a 20 year period, and Delia Gunn’s Déboires:

Photo Credit

Two (2) I participated inThe Business of (Better) Businessan inspiring collaborative brainstorm session on November 3rd, held at The Department and co-hosted by Hypenotic and Toronto's B Lab hub (at MaRS Centre for Impact Investing).

Participants included Eric Ryan founder of BCorp and soap manufacturer MethodPetra Kassun-Mutch, owner of BCorp Fifth Town artisanal cheese manufacturer (located in Ontario’s Prince Edward County), and CBC journalist Mary Weins. 

Some solutions discussed? The inclusion of a Gross National Happiness Indicator in addition to Canada's monthly  economic indicator reports, and as an alternative to Rob Ford's Great Toronto Fire Sale, transform Toronto Hydro into a cooperatively owned entity. Photo Credit: SB C+D

Three (3) A dedicated group of healthcare professionals shared stories about service delivery challenges and strategic initiatives at the Healthcare Efficiency Conference I attended in September at the Four Season’s Hotel in Toronto. 

Noteworthy about Providence Healthcare’s patient flow redesign Time To Shine initiative, is the project design, which facilitates stakeholder feedback loops with an overall focus on collaboration and communication.

The ‘Leveraging Technology For a More Efficient Supply Chain’ panel discussed new approaches to supply chain management and procurement, and the importance of establishing metrics against which to measure performance. 

Four (4) Saw MUSÉE D'ART CONTEMPORAIN DE MONTRÉAL'S The Work Ahead of Us. Fabulous. See it if you can. A fave was video Rites by Jacnythe Carrier. Shown here, work by Numa Amuz.Photo Credit: SB C+D.


Scary Euro Photo Credit: SB C+D