Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Making: Tools, Materials & Craft

One (1) On tools.

Google Maps API and HTML5 get a workout in Arcade Fire’s interactive Yes its old news, but pretty cool. From Mashable

Some months later and Dreamworks has combined Jack Black with same (minus Gmaps), for a hefty $400K a day price tag.

Two (2) On materials.

Solar Ivy is a solar energy product that draws inspiration from ivy growing on a building. Coming to Canada soon.

Eben Bayer from Ecovative: mushrooms as the next plastic. Styrofoam accounts for 20% of all landfill, and is an oil product.

Three (3) AS Byatt on craft “…making things, making things well, is better than a utopian attempt to reform society.” And“Maker” is the medieval word for a poet? Most interesting.

Four (4) On poetry.

Andrew Whiteman Talks Poetry. Crushing just a little. Love poetry.

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