Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Creative Smarty Pants & Technology Geeks

One (1) #Tenacity. Stephen Velasco, 15 years old, has built a model of Toronto’s downtown core, in his bedroom. "The perspectives...interest me" he explains. "You can get an overlay of the area, a real feel for the density." Velasco used Google Maps and was encouraged through online forums. Reported by Carly Maga on Open File via @Spacing Toronto. Photo Credit: A close-up of the Financial District, from steveve#6's on Flickr.

Two (2) WebTV. Tights and Fights Episode 70 is now available, online. In this episode? Canadian Tire, and there's a Bieber mention too. Which is nice because it’s Justin's birthday today. You can participate in the lives of Tights and Fight's Torontonian super heros -- on Twitter using the hash tag #TightsandFights

Dramatic Comedy: Easy to Assemble. Set Location: Ikea. Distribution: web only.From a Popwatch interview with Illeana Douglas: "I was always obsessed with supermarkets and I had written a show about going to work in a celebrity supermarket, because in L.A., a lot of celebrities go to supermarkets .. It’s been a real playground for all of us. We’re constantly inspired by things that happen to [Ikea], or their philosophy, and it influences a lot of the work."

Four (4) Technology + Design = Wellbeing We Care Solar is getting design help through a Canadian student competition to bring innovation to their portable power generation pack. The 'solar suitcase' positively impacts healthcare in countries such as Nigeria. The contest seeks to teach students and their mentors about technology and development.

The YWCA recently launched their Safety Siren app, available on iphone. In addition to the siren, the app provides information on dating, social interaction, health etc. An SOS urgent email and phone call is sent when the user signals he/she is in an unsafe situation. Photo credit:http://smr.newswire.ca

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