Friday, December 30, 2011


One (1) Saw the AGO’s ‘Jack Chambers: Light, Spirit, Time, Place and Life’and the McMichael Gallery’s ‘Jack Chambers: the light from the darkness, silver paintings and film work.’

If you're a fan of photography, painting and Canadian art history, try and make at least one of these. P.S. The AGO show is more comprehensive.
Two(2) Having heard BCorporation Method’s Adam Lowry speak this fall, I'm more aware of the decisions that go into designing a green product, and a non green product. Here's what I learned about dish detergent this month... Bought Palmolive detergent (seems to be constantly on sale), which literally poured out and was used up super fast. Bought Clorox Greenworks dish detergent next, which had a smaller cap hole, thicker consistency than the Palmolive product and lasted at least 4x as long.

Discovered that Method home cleaning products are sold at Canadian Tire stores in Canada. Photo Credit: SB C+D

Three (3) Gifted World War Z (the novel obvs) this Christmas to a favourite teen. One of the decade’s top memes: Zombies! for sure; replete with themes of the powerless state/anarchy, chaos, moral anomie, scarcity and emerging tribal communities. Zombie culture that passed through my universe since 2002:

  • 28 Days Later (Danny Boyle, movie), 2002
  • Shawn of the Dead (UK movie) 2004
  • World War Z (Max Brooks novel) 2006
  • Black Sheep (New Zealand Comedy Horror film) 2007
  • 28 Weeks Later, 2007
  • Zombieland, 2009
  • Walking Dead (TV series) 2010
  • Now Science Falls to the Zombie Meme (Forbes) Nov '11
  • World War Z (movie/Brad Pitt) December 2012
Photo Credit: Aaron the Artist

Four (4) Saw Tomson Highway’s The Rez Sisters at Toronto’s The Factory Theatre. Directed by Ken Gass. Still relevant till relevant 25 years after the first performance.

Five (5) Read Michael Lewis’* Vanity Fair** article It’s the Economy, Dummkopf! An excerpt: "The German word for “shit” performs a vast number of bizarre linguistic duties... The first thing Gutenberg sought to publish, after the Bible, was a laxative timetable he called a 'Purgation-Calendar'.

*author of MoneyBall | **September 2011 issue

Six (6) Happy 2012!!

Photo credit

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